Utilizing Supply Chain Technology for Customer Loyalty During Disruption

任何在过去几年中一直在运输的中小型企业(SMB)都知道,供应链中断将在某个时候发生. 我们无法阻止这些事件以及它们在航运业务中产生的涟漪.

But by utilizing the proper supply chain technology and understanding how to handle supply chain disruptions, shippers can protect their bottom line. 他们还可以管理自己的品牌形象,保持客户对公司的忠诚——即使是在动荡时期.

Impact of Supply Chain Disruption on SMBs

了解一些关键数据很重要,这些数据显示了供应链中断对中小企业的影响是如何不成比例的. 与大型托运人相比,这些托运人的资源和预算更少. Their biggest challenge, however, 可能是他们缺乏技术进步和能力,使航运更有效率吗.

这在市场上创造了一个不公平的竞争环境,使混乱的时代更加难以管理. A recent SMB Retail Supply Chain Survey by Software Advice claims that:

“No one is immune to the ongoing disruptions, 但大公司倾向于下更大的订单,对供应商来说,本质上比小企业的风险更小——91%的中小企业零售商认为,大公司在采购库存方面比他们有优势.”

The research also found that among SMBs, “46%的人至少有一家供应商因为小企业的特殊原因而放弃了他们,” and another “23% are expecting to be dropped in the near future.”

As a shipper, 数据证明了你已经知道或假设的:中小企业必须找到有效的策略并实施创新技术来管理客户期望和库存水平——特别是在供应链中断的时候.

Supply Chain and Customer Satisfaction: Buyers are (Somewhat) Patient

Luckily for SMBs, many customers are sympathetic in times of supply chain disruption. According to research by Mitto, a provider of global communications solutions, 让客户了解他们的送货状态会改变他们对你的品牌的看法. The study found:

  • “93%的美国人更有可能对他们已经与良好客户服务联系在一起的品牌的交货延迟有耐心.”
  • 91%的受访者表示,良好的客户体验让等待产品变得可以忍受.”

Frankly, those numbers are staggering. 调查显示,超过九成的顾客(绝大多数)表示,如果一个品牌在他们等待迟到或丢失的货物时提供出色的客户服务,他们愿意保持对该品牌的忠诚.

So, while you can’t prevent supply chain disruption, 你可以投资流程,让客户体验“可以忍受”, as an SMB, have less control over vendors and procurement. As you might have guessed, supply chain technology, 包括运输管理系统,是让客户了解情况和保持耐心的关键.

Retaining Your Customers at All Costs

在供应链中断期间保持客户满意的原因相对明显. They are the same reasons to keep customers happy all the time. But supply chain disruption creates risk. Shipments are increasingly late, 在这段时间里,丢失或潜在损坏的客户体验应该增加,因为失去客户的机会增加了.

That’s why shippers need to be super diligent during disruption. After all, 有充分的证据表明,获得新客户比留住那些已经与你有业务往来的客户要花费更多的成本和时间. As reported by Outbound Engine, a marketing company:

  • “Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer.”
  • “Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits from 25-95%.”
  • “The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%.”

Most shippers have probably come to these conclusions on their own. And if so, 必须问的问题是:在供应链中断期间,你在做什么?你的技术如何帮助你留住客户?

Connecting the dots. What does all the supply chain disruption data mean?

简而言之,研究告诉我们,在混乱时期,中小企业感觉自己被更大的竞争对手打败了. However, 客户对那些愿意在这段时间与他们有效沟通的公司表示同情. 中小企业应该注意到这些发现,因为获得新客户比保持现有客户要费力得多.

Bingo! Check, please!

Not so fast. 许多中小企业的一个绊脚石是了解如何在供应链中断期间实施策略以保持客户满意度. 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 believes much of this relies on supply chain technology.

Utilizing Technology in Supply Chain Processes

During inclement weather, labor disputes, pandemics and other times of disruption, customers still expect to understand the status of their shipments. That is the common denominator for anyone who orders a product that is shipped.

If the shipper cannot provide those details, customer satisfaction will sway, and your brand will suffer. But by utilizing the following supply chain and logistics technology platforms, shippers can control inventory, keep customers informed about the status of their shipments and retain their business.

  • TMS supply chain platforms — A transportation management system (TMS) 允许您在一个平台内轻松比较成本和交付选项-这意味着无需更多耗时的费率检查. Plus, a TMS allows you to track all your shipments in one place, as well as keep all your orders, invoices and other files organized and searchable. 这创建了您可以快速利用的流程,以确定客户发货的状态.
  • E-commerce integrations — By integrating your shopping cart, e-commerce shipping software and TMS, you can limit manual errors and increase supply chain visibility. E-commerce integrations can also streamline your customers’ online experience. This includes leveraging plugins that display up-to-date shipping rates directly in the shopping cart at check-out; allow shippers to easily create shipping labels for hassle-free returns; and — you guessed it — provide updates on the status of shipments.
  • Supply chain tracking technology — By adopting technologies to improve your supply chain tracking, 您的公司可以更有效地购买和存放库存,并在航运业出现意外变化时更快地进行调整. Through machine learning software, algorithms can automatically adjust and optimize stocking strategies, demand plans and inventory. 这创造了一个环境,您可以适当地管理库存,并准确地了解需要与客户沟通的内容.

澳门威尼斯人直营网站 Is an Industry Leader In Supply Chain Technology Solutions

对于重视客户满意度并希望了解如何处理供应链中断和其他问题的托运人来说,实施战略性供应链技术是必不可少的 shipping challenges. 澳门威尼斯人直营网站可以对您的供应链和物流技术实施变更,以创造可靠的方法来提高您公司的效率, reputation, processes and bottom line. We also provide a full suite of industry-leading parcel, freight and specialty shipping options that thousands of shippers across the nation utilize on a daily basis.

联系澳门威尼斯人直营网站,了解我们的创新技术如何最大限度地减少供应链中断对您业务的影响,并提高供应链流程中的客户满意度. Reach out for a free consultation today and speak to an expert.

Managing Risk Through Supply Chain Visibility

Managing Risk Through Supply Chain Visibility

Learn the ins and outs of supply chain visibility, and why managing potential risks is well worth the reward.

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